cerita kafein yang tercecer
sebelum hengkang ke Jakarta, saya sempet ngopi - nongkrong - makan di beberapa coffee shop dan belum sempat terunggah di blog ini. mari, sejenak cicipi kafein yang tercecer di handphone saya.
Episode Anna's Coffee, City of Tomorrow
Episode Black Canyon Coffee, Sutos & TP
Episode Coffee Corner
Episode Dunkin Donuts
Episode Keiko
Episode My Kopi O
Episode Hotel Majapahit
thanks for blacking and flavoring my days, dear caffein
Episode Anna's Coffee, City of Tomorrow
Episode Black Canyon Coffee, Sutos & TP
Episode Coffee Corner
Episode Dunkin Donuts
Episode Keiko
Episode My Kopi O
Episode Hotel Majapahit
thanks for blacking and flavoring my days, dear caffein
wahh enaknya ngumpul bareng sambil minum coffee, pasti enak kann.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusweeennnaaaakkk ^_^