hello again, world!

kayaknya lama deh ya ga apdet blog ini. how's life, everyone? hope we're always on our best moments :)

so, how's mine actually?

my life is turning into a very exciting one lately. belibet, ribet, but still, lotta fun!

starting from:
my job

it's been 4 months working in this magazine, and i've doing some writings called advertorial (iklan yang berupa cerita / artikel) for about 4 editions. running with tight deadline (tighter than my old magazine did), meeting more people from big brands, coming to new exciting places, watching big concerts, getting a netbook for free from Samsung for my writing and so on.

i guess i owe more alhamdulillah for these.. :)

and then,
my relationship

hmm, not much i can tell for now, but insyaAllah it's getting closer to sacred thing we both want since we met 6 years ago. may Allah bless our way, amiin...

last but not least,
my project

a book has been launched. this is my first book. a collaboration with two friends in Surabaya and Bali which is published by nulisbuku.com. we named it "Three Cups of Coffee and Fairy Tales". You can still buy it online at www.nulisbuku.com :)

and now, i'm crossing my finger for the next big thing, my second book project, a collaboration with Tamam Jauhar who has been publishing 2 books before :) Hope it comes to public soon, amiiiiin

so, how's jakarta anyway?
santai, jakarta would always be the same. macetnya sama, sumpeknya sama, ribetnya sama. :) but it's my home now. gotta learn to live here better.

udah ah, habis ni waktu istirahatnya. balik ke kerjaan dulu ya. see ya!


  1. iyaa balik kekerjaan dl deh yah, advetorial numpuk, gua ajah ae nya gak sanggup hehe huhu hihi -.-
    Semangat flower

  2. iya deh. lama banget kk bunga gak update blog kesayangannya nih. pada sibuk slalu ya? aduh kasian sih, yang penting isitrehat saja, so that you can be active back like normal.
    happy working!


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