the upcoming baby

hi world!

been long time since i posted the last story. how's life anyway?
mine is good. mine is great.

after i got married on february 26 this year, yesterday i went to a gynecologist for test, and alhamdulillah, she said i'm positive!

i knew i've been late for about one week due to my menstrual date, but i have tried some test packs and i've got a negative sign from the 3 trials. so, that's why me and my hubby decided to see a doctor to make sure.

this is the picture of my baby-to-be usg. the first one. a six week pregnancy. you see two white dots right there? nah, there's a black circle under the two dots, that circle called "kantung hamil" (i dont know the exact medical term for this one).

i choose a hospital nearby the office so i can go there by noon, on my break. this female doctor name is dr. Yulianti. she's a nice woman, and some of my friends also recommend her. she said that there's already a "kantung hamil" , but in this age, we might not see the baby yet. i need to meet her again in the next two weeks to see the growth. i hope my baby-to-be growth well and perfectly healthy on my tummy.

ah, i cannot describe how i'm feeling now. i cried when i called mom to tell this news. still kinda surprised that i'm gonna be a mom. i just hope i can be a good mom for my kids. amiiin.

and i'm thank God for all the miracle in my life. alhamdulillah!


  1. waaaaaaaaaaahhh.. selamat kak! :D

    1. makasiiiiiiiiiiih :*
      doakan sehat dan sempurna yaaaa

  2. Assalamualikum mbak:-) bw buat yg pertam Kalinya, suka ceritanya so I'm following you, heheee selamat buat calon baby semoga sehat samapi hari h mba:-) kindly visit me back and if you mind follow me back to :-*

    1. waalaikumsalam, makasih yaaaa udah mampir2 dan suka.
      amiiiiiin, amiiiin buat doanya...


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