my fave adv!

it's been a while since i made my advertorial on the magazine where i work now. yeah, now i can say, i miss doing it. since it's our end year edition and we've got many advertorials to be done, so i give a hand to do 3 brands advertorials. but, i won't publish it now. wait till the magz come out ya? hehe...

so, today, i'm gonna share some of my fave advertorials i've been done since last march. these are the things i haven't been published on this blog, so lemme just show you some.

this one is on my top list. i don't know why, but i love the design so much! it's prasetiya mulya business school advertorial in conjunction with wishing tree.

next, it's oriflame advertorial. yeah i know it's a bit narcissistic for me to say this, but i love the title i made! hahaha... beside that, Chelsea (the model) is a very talented young girl, so it was easy for me to direct her to act and pose to get the best angle. and actually, we've got many best angle from this photoshoot! no wonder she won the competition at the magz i work :)

this one is also my fave. advertorial for panasonic hair dryer that combine a photoshoot with an illustration background. i love the picture, i love the illustration and i love the palette color! so cute!

last but not least, i do in love with this advertorial i made for post it. still with Chelsea as the model, we went to taman langsat in kebayoran baru, jakarta at the evening with balloons and vintage young look. the idea is simple, i just wanna share how this post it sticky notes is really sticky, even to be place in those balloons. i love it. and i love the autumn leaves behind.

so that's it. those are my fave. what do you think about those advertorials? have you got any fave between them?


  1. *meleleh* eh dikata coklay kali kepanasan meleleh. AWESOME ka..

  2. 2 ayu: makasiiiiiiiiih, paling suka yang mana? :p

    2 asop: diamnya kenapa nih? :D

    2 nonni: haduh haduh, ge-er saya! makasiiiih

  3. modelnya keren..."loh kok malah ngomentarin modelnya"...:-D

  4. 2 andri: haha dasar nih mas andri :p


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