one day to office: reddish red me
i'm on fireeee! hahaha...
today is all about red! i'm wearing this red vintage dress with red inner and double hijab (red motif and navy hijab) just to play with the day. it's friday. time to have some fun!
the baby's bump is getting bigger since we're now in our third trimester. it's been an amazing 8 months! #kakak is starting to awake longer, communicating with me and hubby through her kicks and unbelievable moves. yes, she moves a lot! hahaha, like daughter like father :p
gonna meet the doctor next week for the check up and about to have her first 4D usg. i hope she's not having too many moves when my doctor put the usg thing on my bump next week so we can capture her looks :)
see you next week, #kakak!
Aaaaih...sang calon ibu cantik dan modis! Semoga nanti anaknya begitu juga :-) Sehat2 dan lancar kan selama ini? Sukur deh...semoga begitu terus sampai proses kelahiran nanti yaaa :-)
BalasHapushaha alhamdulillaaaah sehat mba. amiiin amiiiin amiiiin ya robbal alamin buat doanya. makasih yaaaa
Hapusbumil tetep stylish in red yaaaa... ga syabar liat postingan si kakak nongol. smoga smuamuanya dilancarkan ya mba! aamiin.
BalasHapushihi, akupun tak syabar memposting kelahiran *padahalmasihsebulanlebih* hahaha
Hapusamiiin, maaci ya say...