why do i love coffee?

why do i love coffee? cause it's black, dark, and strong. haha, nope, it's not a joke. i mean it.

i love coffee cause it has a great strong smell, i don't like something reguler, something usual, something average and normal. i prefer something unique, strong, powerful, and different (i don't care if this statement has any relation to my deepest addiction to coffee or not, cause i just wanna write it.) anyway, simple thing that a coffee might always be true, even we put so many sugar or cream, it will always be coffee inside. you can just taste the sweetness of the sugar or cream, but you can't hide the black strong taste of the coffee. that's the point. just be true. coffee brings me to faith that wherever i am, whatever my job is, whoever i live with, i don't need to change my self, and i can show the truly me. being honest, that's the key. that's why i love coffee. do you?


  1. Bung dah prnah nyoba Kopi Luwak?

  2. udah, beberapa waktu lalu nyobain kopi luwaknya PTPN 12 di Rollaas Tunjungan Plaza.

    enak. manteb. baunya wuiiiih, haruuum banget!

  3. Sipp mantep bgd, klo mau temenku buka warkop di mjk yg nyediain kopi luwak yg langsung di impor dari PTPN 12. Ada yg robusta maupun arabica, monggo dicoba klo pulang mjk. Nama warungnya Pasar Kopi, Jln Teratai mjk. Disini juga nyediain macam2 kopi yg siap untuk dicoba... :)


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