back to routine
finally, meet the office again. been an amazing 3 months leave, btw.
so, i was taking a leave last december, and two weeks after that, my baby was born :)
she's a girl, born on december 28, 2012.
we named her Aisyah Nada Syakirah
i'm in love again!
and now when i have to go to the office from 7am to 7pm everyday, it feels like hell to leave her that long :(
but i still need to make a living, supporting my family. hope she'll understand.
can't share many things now, since it's still pretty grey. maybe i just share some of her newest photos then :)
kangen aaiiiiii..........!
Wah lama nggak maen kemari udah lahiran aja ya mbak, selamat ya mbak, moga baby Aii... tumbuh jadi anak yang sholeh dan tumbuh cerdas, amiiiin (J >o<)J
BalasHapus*titip kecup buat baby Aii :D
amiiiiiiin, makasih ya chiciiiiiiiiiiii :*
Hapuswuhuuuuuuuuu selamat yaaaaaaa..... baby girlnya lahir beda lima hari dari hari ulang tahun....its a capricorn girl...well nggak harus percaya yang gitu-gituan sih... but for sure she will be a strong girl like me *halah* congratzzzzzzz ..apakah sudah bisa minum kopi lagi? ehem...
Hapusmakasiii mbaaaaa
wah beda tipis nih bday nya. ntar nebeng rayain ultah ya? #eh
kopi msh blm beneran minumnya (baca: baru nyicip kopi suami, kopinya temen kantor, dll) hahaha, ntar-an deh kl ai udah lebih kuat baru berani