what's on 15 Strangest Houses?

doing some blogwalking, and found this site http://opentravel.com/blogs/15-strangest-houses-from-around-the-globe/. the blog give us 15 Strangest Houses list from all around the world.

i love the post, i love the houses, especially Gingerbread House. Orlando. Florida. The USA, Upside down House. Poland and Crooked House. Poland, the one at night.

and i repost some pictures i love here.

feels like living in a wonderland!


  1. kapan2 mari ngopi bersama :)

    terima kasih kunjunganmu tempo hari

    hari ini saya mau meninggalkan jejak di catatan lagu kopimu

    salam kenal


  2. thank you jugaaaa...
    semoga bs bertemu langsung dan ngopi bareng ya


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