smells like a wake up coffee

it's the third day of the project, and i'm still running with instant coffee and milk. this brand's owned by pt. torabika eka semesta and named torabika susu.

in the ads on the television, they offer an extra full cream which make everything just great. so i try. on the sachet package, it is stated that they use a mix of arabica and robusta, sugar, non dairy creamer and still put some milk powder too. nice.

the joint of creamer and milk powder definitely work their way. this coffee tastes richer and heavier. i don't think i lost the coffee's original greatness, but still, they milk it out the way.

even i always drink coffee the first time i get into my office, i still think that it would be more perfect to drink this coffee early in the morning, when you can still smell the dew outside your house, after a hard rain last nite. cheers!


  1. one of my favorite coffe ka.last time you wrote about luwak white coffee and i've tried that,and i prefer to torabika than luwak ka..

  2. yes, kl disuruh milih, emang aku juga prefer torabika susu ini daripada yang luwak coffee. dari segi rasa kopinya mantepan ini. cuma kalau soal wangi, luwak coffee kemarin super duper wangi deh. apalagi buat yang perutnya nggak kuat kopi, pasti lebih milih luwak coffee itu karena lebih aman buat lambung hehe...

    tapi toss dulu yuk! hihi

  3. kopi yang wajib ada di rumahku,soalnya kesukaan bapak


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