4 days before the wedding

unlike the other javanese bride and groom to be, me and my fiance didn't through "pingitan" time. "pingitan" is a time when the bride and groom to be are not allowed to meet each other and get out of the house for about some time. in the ancient javanese society, it's used to be a month pingitan. but now, some people can only have one or two weeks pingitan.

at this very time, me and my fiance even still working in jakarta, and we're going home to surabaya (his hometown) and mojokerto (my hometown) together, tomorrow, for the wedding. some people told me how could i not take it seriously? hohoho, don't get me wrong, this is my wedding, of course i take it waaaay too seriously. but let's face the fact that he's still working and i'm still running the deadline. we didn't mean to broke the tradition, but, we really have to deal with the reality here. >_<

anyway, am i nervous? not really. i'm cool now. for now, i guess.

it's only 4 days before the wedding. i remember i used to ask my bestfriends when they were heading a wedding. how did they feel that time. and i was so surprised when they told me that they didn't really nervous, shaking, or even afraid of things.

yes, i didn't buy it that time.

but now, i fell like i knew it. i don't know why and i'm not sure if i can tell the reason, but yes, i do feel like it's just an ordinary day. maybe not yet. but i can tell you one thing, this un-nervousness isn't because i don't feel happy for the wedding. i'm thrilled! this is what i always want for my whole life. it's one of my biggest days - i'm sure there will be plenty big days for me in the future as wife, mother, and etc :)

i'm excited. i'm just not that explosive, maybe. but i can't wait for the day. hope everything runs well and beauuuutiful this weekend!

see you in the next two weeks!

ps: picture is taken by @ashcolored


  1. good luck.. may Allah bless you both.. ^^

  2. Memang kadang tradisi pingitan bikin serba salah ya mbak, congrate ya mbak buat pernikahannya...
    Moga ntar acaranya lancar ya mbak... (J>o<)J

    1. haha, lebih tepatnya, agak ribet diterapkan hari ini, hihi, wlpn sbnrnya sih lucu-lucu aja, cm kurang memungkinkan :D
      amiiin, makasih yaaaa

  3. santei.. dulu aku juga pulangnya bareng, malah dia ngantern aku ke rumah dulu, 4 hari (juga) sebelum akad nikah. Dan gak nerves juga tuh. Kalau aku nervesnya pas di sehari sebelum nikah, trus rumah dihias-hias, ada tenda, sodara pada dateng, NAH. Baru kerasa agak2 gimanaaa gitu :P Gudlak ya neng!

    1. haha, sama aja ternyata. eh bu, kmrn ternyata nervesnya pas pagi mau akad, bukan karena acara sih, cm sempet senewen gara-gara periasnya agak telat dikit datengnya hihi

      makasih ya say

  4. saya di pingit 2 minggu.. hahaha
    eniwei.. happy wedding temankuuuu

    1. kacian deh hahaha... padahal yo podho ae :p
      ma'acih temankuuuuu


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