one day to office: yellowish-freeday

hi world! thank God it's friday! time to catch some works to have a relaxing weekend! the atmosphere here at work on friday is always different. it's fresher, as if everyone will "finally" meet the love of their life, which is a weekend holiday, of course, hehe... 

look at us, play silly poses to celebrate friday. it's yellowish free-day time!

btw, it's 6 months now, kinda nervous for the big day in another 3 months! exciiiiiited!


  1. whoaaa.. baby bump nya sudah sangat mancung!! kirakira ini cowo apa cewe mba? aku tebak sih cewek! ya ga? ;p

  2. tuh kaaann aku beneerrr.. aaahh,, aku bangga pada diriku sendiri.. ini prestasi.. :') ahahaha


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